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"Researching to challenge misconceptions and learn more about our world" 

Research threads

My research draws from Black feminism and Afrofuturism to explore how these methods of knowing offer an approach to help Human-Computer Interaction(HCI) researchers and designers create more reflective products and experiences. I continually ask how Black feminism can provide a framework to design? What narratives and perspectives are missing from current HCI research? How might we use Afrofuturism as a design method? 

Researcher   Designer 
Human-Computer Interaction 

Temporality Studies Black feminism

Scholar-in-Training    Afrofuturism

Race and Technology Studies 


My name is Brooke Bosley, and I am a design researcher in education technology. I have a Ph.D. in Digital Media, specializing in Black Media, from the Georgia Institute of Technology. My dissertation focused on Afrofuturist Feminism Design Principles, which focused on the intersections of Human-Computer Interaction, Afrofuturism, Black Feminism, and Race and Technology. 


I hold an MS in Digital Media from the Georgia Institute of Technology and a BA in Integrated Digital Media (a self-design interdisciplinary degree) with minors in communications and mathematics from Wesleyan College (in Macon, Georgia). I have taught workshops on robotics, technology, and Afrofuturism for elementary to high school students. In my free time, I enjoy embroidery, reading, and exploring different Seattle neighborhoods. I also host a monthly Black Futures book club at the Loving Room Book Store in Seattle's Central District. 

© 2024 Brooke Bosley 

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